Smyrna, GA — Meet 24-year-old Nicholas Taft Thomas, father to a beautiful baby girl, who is barely 5-months-old. His name sadly became another hashtag on Tuesday, when police took his life shortly after 1:30 pm.
The incident began when three Smyrna police officers and four officers with the Cobb County Police Department arrived at the Goodyear store where Thomas worked to serve him with a warrant for a probation violation, reportedly for a traffic offense.
When the young father saw the officers at his place of employment, he attempted to flee and jumped into a white Maserati. Perhaps the new parent who was working hard to repay his traffic debt did not want his job jeopardized by the police causing a scene.
The police claim that, as usual, “they feared for their lives,” alleging Thomas was attempting to use the vehicle as a weapon to run down the officers. Witnesses came forward immediately to the press, challenging the official report and essentially calling it a bold faced lie.
“They were standing behind the car, opening fire. He wasn’t driving towards them,” Goodyear customer Brittany Eustache told Channel 2 at the scene.
“The car was not moving when they began to shoot at him. The car had been stopped, he hit curb he could go any further,” she said.
“So at no point was he making any aggressive moves?” the reporter asked her.
“None, none at all. They immediately opened fire on them,” Eustache said.
Supporting the witnesses allegation is the fact that there were no visible bullet holes in the windshield or front of the car, a likely place for a bullet to enter- had he been driving at the officers as they claim.

Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/life-hashtag-police-execute-young-father-attempted-flee/#yVHHZJIGvEuyTGZZ.99