Last night around 7 p.m. (MLK Holiday) something completely amazing happened to me. I delivered my neighbor's baby!!!!! I have no experience in the medical field and never once thought of being a midwife. My neighbor, whom I rarely see, stopped me at my door as I was bringing a TV into my apartment. I had just gotten off the road from a 4 hour trip. Timing couldn't have been better. She stepped outside her door and said, "Please stay here with me, I think I'm going to have my baby." I quickly put my TV inside my apartment and stood next to her as she squirmed with pain. Within maybe two minutes, she said, "oh s*%&, my water broke, the baby's coming." I watched as the fluid fell to the floor and my neighbor began to undress herself because the baby was surely coming. Somehow we made ourselves into her apartment and had to stop in her doorway because the baby's head had come out. I grabbed a blanket and stood there waiting for the moment when I would have to catch the baby. As soon as I saw the baby's beautiful head, her shoulders emerged and the baby slid out and into my amazing, so beautiful. I held her and spoke to her. "Hi beautiful baby, hi there sweet baby." Nothing less than amazing for her mother and I. So many thoughts flashed through my mind as the minutes unfolded. I was in shock with no time to panic. She quickly cried out and it was amazing. What a beautiful experience. Never imagined that I would experience something like that. It all happened so fast. My neighbor did great! She didn't panic. Her two little boys stood by watching their little sister be brought into the world. They thought it was, "ill"...."she's gooey."
I am so thankful for that beautiful experience, and I welcome many more. I am open, I am waiting, I am expecting, I am inviting, I am calling time is coming and I will be ready. I will deliver!!!!! (Thanks for those words "you will deliver." You know who you are).
I left out so many details about this experience, but I wanted to share this with you. May you know that when the universe has plans for your life, you will experience more than you could think or imagine. These experiences are what I call " with Cherries on top." Yap ya later!